Dr. Christopher Barley is one of NYC’s top board certified internists that has trained at some of the most highly esteemed institutions, including New York Presbyterian Hospital, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Cornell Medical School. Castle Connolly has named Dr. Barley a top doctor for over 10 years. Dr. Barley’s focus is on quickly and accurately diagnosing your symptoms so that he can create an effective treatment regimen or refer you to a top physician who can continue your medical care. Dr. Barley’s private internal medicine office has a state-of-the-art radiology unit, a premier Lyme disease testing lab, and an in-house medical lab that can deliver same day results.
Having worked with top doctors and specialists, Dr. Barley has one of the best referral services. If Dr. Barley feels that you need additional medical care or testing, he can refer you to a leading specialist. Dr. Barley can even help schedule an appointment with a specialist the following day if necessary. Dr. Barley can coordinate complex cases both domestically and internationally if you travel abroad. When receiving medical care, some medical procedures and testing are only able to be performed in a hospital setting. Dr. Barley is affiliated with the New York Presbyterian Hospital, which is one of the world’s finest, most respected hospitals. If you require any medical treatment in a hospital setting, then Dr. Barley is able to have your medical care take place in a top hospital.
Serving as the president of CITTA USA, Dr. Barley provides assistance to indigenous communities and individuals facing extreme economic, political, or environmental distress. CITTA is an organization that has built and maintained state-of-the-art hospitals in Nepal, India, and Mexico. The goal of both CITTA and Dr. Barley is to help create medical systems that will be maintained by the communities themselves, while preserving the traditions and cultures of the community.
Dr. Barley practices preventive medicine, which means that he encourages routine physicals, cancer screenings, medical testing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of illness. On the other hand, Dr. Barley also practices diagnostic care, which is the medical care you receive in response to a diagnosis. Because Dr. Barley does not partake in managed care plans, he does not have to see a high volume of patients to reach a quota. This allows Dr. Barley ample time with you during your visit to ensure that no symptoms go unnoticed and that you receive top-notch patient care. This also allows Dr. Barley time in his schedule to accept new patients and house calls.
Internal medicine is medical care that focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and treating illnesses in adults. The most successful treatment for any disease is preventive medicine. Including a proper diet and regular exercise, preventive medicine focuses on reducing the risk of getting sick and includes annual physical exams with Dr. Barley, cancer screenings, and routine blood tests. Diagnostic care is the medical care that you receive in response to a medical diagnosis.
Dr. Barley offers cancer screening and cancer testing at his internal medicine office. Detecting cancer in its earliest stages provides Dr. Barley more time to create a successful treatment plan. It also gives Dr. Barley enough time to refer you to a leading cancer doctor and coordinate your treatment regimen. Dr. Barley practiced at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and has connections with the top cancer doctors and specialists. The key in cancer treatment is getting the patient the right diagnosis and referring him or her to the best oncologist as quickly as possible. Dr. Barley can even schedule next day appointments with a specialist if necessary. Having connections with top physicians, Dr. Barley is able to administer the highest quality of care for cancer patients. Dr. Barley can even help you schedule an appointment with a specialist the following day.
Dr. Barley can help coordinate international medical cases if you become ill while traveling abroad. Dr. Barley practices travel medicine, which means that he can help you prepare to travel, aid you if you become sick abroad, and follow up with you when you return home. Proper planning for your trip abroad is important to your health and well-being. Dr. Barley can provide vaccines to protect you from common illnesses that are present where you may be traveling. Dr. Barley can also provide travel advice to reduce your risk of becoming sick while traveling.
If you become ill while traveling abroad, Dr. Barley can effectively coordinate your medical care internationally by referring you to a local leading physician or hospital. Ensuring that you receive prompt, accurate medical care abroad, Dr. Barley can continue to coordinate your medical treatment until you return home. After you have returned, Dr. Barley can meet with you for a follow up appointment and continue your medical care. Unlike other travel physicians, Dr. Barley has an established network of doctors through his work with CITTA, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Cornell Medical School. This allows him to locate the highest quality of care for you should you become ill while traveling.
Unlike many current physicians, Dr. Barley provides house calls, as well as hotel or business calls. If you become unwell and feel as though it would be easier if Dr. Barley were to assess your health at home, you can request a house call by calling our office. Dr. Barley does not participate in managed care plans, so he does not have to reach a particular quota of patients. This means that Dr. Barley has more time in his schedule to spend with his patients.
A house, business, or hotel call can include vaccinations, flu shots, strep throat tests, blood tests, or a referral to a leading specialist. If Dr. Barley feels you would benefit from additional testing, he may request that you schedule an in-office visit. Dr. Barley may also refer you to a leading specialist if he feels that your case may benefit from it.
Offering executive physicals in NYC, Dr. Barley can provide health screenings for CEOs and business executives. Dr. Barley’s goal is to quickly but efficiently screen the health of CEOs and executives during a yearly physical exam. As a business executive, it can be challenging to find time for a physical in an already busy schedule, forcing many to put off taking care of their health even when symptoms of an illness are present. As executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs, it is important to maintain good health so that you can continue to lead a healthy business. Dr. Barley works with your schedule to provide medical screenings and executive physicals.
If additional medical care is required, Dr. Barley can order more testing in our in-house medical lab or refer you to a leading physician. An executive physical may include routine blood tests, an eye examination, vaccinations, flu shots, or other medical examinations or testing.
Dr. Barley also offers corporate healthcare for businesses, which means that he coordinates and conducts the physicals of each staff member. Some businesses require that all employees receive a comprehensive physical from the same physician. Dr. Barley can perform these physicals and refer individuals to leading physicians if additional medical testing or treatment is required. Dr. Barley will assess the overall health of each staff member, his or her medical history, and family medical history in order to screen for any potential health risks. At the office of Dr. Barley, we provide prompt, accurate healthcare using the most innovative and successful testing and treatments.